Classical and quantum structure of space-time, early-universe cosmology, black holes, quasiclassical approximations, algebraic and non-associative quantum mechanics. Loop quantum gravity is a difficult mathematical theory that has resisted the making of testable predictions inside black holes. Geometry Transition in Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity Black to White \Planck star tunneling time: An astrophysically relevant observable from background-free quantum gravity", PRD 2016, C.Rovelli, S.Speziale, I.Vilensky and MC \Gravitational tunnelling in spinfoams", F. d'Ambrosio and MC Accepted 16 Nov 2008. Loop quantum gravity is string theory's biggest competitor. It gets less press than string theory, in part because it has a fundamentally more limited goal: a quantum theory of gravity. The key feature underlying these results is the discreteness of geometric quantities at the Planck scale predicted by this approach to quantum gravity. This review focuses on the possible experimental or observational consequences of the underlying spinfoam structure of space-time.

In this paper we systematically study a model of spherically symmetric polymer black holes recently proposed by Gambini, Olmedo, and Pullin (GOP). 8πSl 2P / ekA = Φ.

I illustrate the results on the discrete aspects of quantum geometry and two applications of these results to black hole physics. The idea of characterizing a horizon's shape by a . • Punctures carry an additional 'magnetic' number m satisfying m i ∈ {-j i, -j i+1, …, j i} • Horizon: intrinsic geometry • Flat connections (Chern-Simons) except .

In a previous work we derived an effective Hamiltonian constraint for the Schwarzschild geometry starting from the full loop quantum gravity Hamiltonian constraint and computing its expectation value on coherent states sharply peaked around a spherically symmetric geometry.

Keywords: loop quantum gravity, black holes, quantum field theory, spin networks, general relativity

Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is a theory of quantum gravity, which aims to merge quantum mechanics and general relativity, incorporating matter of the Standard Model into the framework established for the pure quantum gravity case. Leonardo Modesto 1.

We now use this effective Hamiltonian to study the interior region of a Schwarzschild black hole, where a homogeneous . The key feature underlying these results is the discreteness of geometric quantities at the Planck scale predicted by this approach to quantum gravity.

The result is that predictions of physics-ending singularities vanish, and . $\begingroup$ I know Cumrun Vafa, but I am asking the Area parameter because Black Hole entropy even in a Classical way is calculated by the area. Modelling black holes with angular momentum in loop quantum gravity Page 5 of 16 1828 (v⊥ (Ai −Ai)) i = 0, (3) where v⊥ is the unique normal direction to the axisymmetric Killing field ψ = ∂ϕ on the horizon, and Ai is the pullback of the Kerr connection to the horizon. Black Hole Interior from Loop Quantum Gravity. Answer (1 of 4): Loop Quantum Gravity postulates that the structure of spase is composed of finite loops woven into an extremely fine fabric or network. Mataojo, Montevideo, Uruguay 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803-4001, USA (Received 8 May 2008; published 15 October 2008) We consider the quantization of the complete .

theory of loop quantum gravity is a developing program; this review reports its achievements and open questions in a pedagogical manner, with an emphasis on quantum aspects of black hole physics.

It is shown that the entropy of a large non-rotating black hole is proportional to its horizon area. Black holes can't fully be described by general relativity, but physicists hope to understand the inner workings of these strange objects by applying a theory called loop quantum gravity. Figure 2. We study gravitational lensing by a recently proposed black hole solution in Loop Quantum Gravity. Using the spin networks and the asymptotic quasinormal mode frequencies of black holes given by loop quantum gravity, the minimum horizon area gap is obtained. The recent development of the loop approach has allowed us to explore domains ranging from black hole thermodynamics to the early Universe.

This is a review of results on black hole physics in the context of loop quantum gravity. In particular, I discuss in detail a derivation of the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for the entropy of a black hole from first principles. This construction deeply relies on the link between black holes and Chern-Simons theory. We study the black hole particle production in a regular spacetime metric obtained in a minisuperspace approach to loop quantum gravity. The conclusion is crazy, but the reasoning is surprisingly elegant.

The emergence of this value in two entirely unrelated theoretical frameworks and computational setups is strongly suggestive of deep ties between the area gap in loop quantum gravity, black . 11) Applications: loop quantum cosmology, black hole entropy, and potentially observable effects. Within the framework of loop quantum gravity, the .

Loop quantum gravity, black holes, primordial cosmology, entanglement. Black holes might end their lives by transforming into their exact opposite — 'white holes' that explosively pour all the material they ever swallowed into space, say two physicists.

Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) is a theory of quantum space-time that attempts to describe the interconnection between general relativity and quantum mechanics. 8) Loop representation for general relativity 9) Spin networks and quantum geometry 10) The issue of the dynamics. The suggestion, based on a speculative quantum theory of gravity, could solve a long-standing conundrum about whether black holes destroy information. ONLINE Theory of Relativity seminar, Wydział Fizyki UW and DBP NCBJ"Improved Effective Dynamics of Loop-Quantum-Gravity Black Hole and Nariai Limit"We propos. But there is a place whe.

Theory matches observation better than anywhere else in science. Cruz, C.A.S.

These networks of loops are called spin networks. Quantum discreteness follows directly from the canonical quantization prescription when applied to the . Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity: The Complete Space-Time Rodolfo Gambini1 and Jorge Pullin2 1Instituto de Fı ´sica, Facultad de Ciencias, Igua 4225, esq.

In particular, he discusses in detail the derivation of the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for the entropy of a black hole from first principles.

A personal perspective on the black hole evaporation process is presented using, as guidelines, inputs from: (i) loop quantum gravity, (ii) simplified models where concrete results have been obtained, and, (iii) semi-classical quantum general relativity. OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Thermal gravity, black holes, and cosmological entropy

Quantum gravity is among the most fascinating problems in physics.

We highlight the fact that the quantum gravity corrections to the Schwarzschild metric in this model evade the `mass suppression' effects (that the usual quantum gravity corrections are susceptible to) by virtue of one of the parameters in the model being dimensionless, which is unlike any other . A `black hole sector' of non-perturbative canonical quantum gravity is introduced. • Horizon area characterized by a list (j 1, …, j n) of half integer 'spins'. The evolution of a spin network, or spin foam, has a scale on the order of a Planck length, ap.

The golden ratio even relates the loop quantum gravity parameter to black hole entropy:". Researchers in Uruguay and in Louisiana have succeeded in forming a loop quantum gravity model of a quantum black hole. Then the quantum area spectrum of black holes is derived and the black hole entropy is a realized quantization. coming black holes [21,22]. Quantum gravity takes singularity out of black holes. Loop quantum gravity performs this feat by trying to quantize space itself — in other words, treat space like it comes in small chunks. CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Abstract I summarize the basic ideas and formalism of loop quantum gravity. Quantum discreteness follows directly from the canonical quantization prescription when applied to the action of general relativity that is suitable .

Loop-quantization reproduces the result for black hole entropy originally discovered by Bekenstein and Hawking. Quantum black holes have been studied extensively in quantum gravity and string theory, using various semiclassical or background-dependent approaches. Quantum gravity (QG) is a field of theoretical physics that seeks to describe gravity according to the principles of quantum mechanics, and where quantum effects cannot be ignored, such as in the vicinity of black holes or similar compact astrophysical objects, and where the effects of gravity are strong, such as neutron stars.. Three of the four fundamental forces of physics are described . 2 πγ = Φ.

It holds all of the Informational Knowledge of what a traditional black hole culminates into a singularity, except rather than all of that information simply ceasing to exist . Figure 2.

In particular, I discuss in detail the derivation of the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for the entropy of a black . We propose a definition of a quantum black hole as . Silva, F.A.

Figure 1: Artist rendering of the black-to-white-hole transition.

I summarize the basic ideas and formalism of loop quantum gravity. This is a review of results on black hole physics in the context of loop quantum gravity. However, these 'loop black hole' (LBH) solutions are really wormholes and they involve another asymptotic . Abstract: The quasi-local notion of isolated horizon is employed to study the entropy of general black holes without any particular symmetry in loop quantum gravity. Space 29 May 2013.

Quantum discreteness follows directly from the canonical quantization prescription when applied to the action of general relativity that is suitable for . The golden ratio is the precise point where a black hole's modified specific heat changes from positive to negative: ". The origins of this Energy have not been proven, but it is believed to have originated within a black hole of Loop Quantum Gravity, within a portal to another universe.

and Javier Olmedo at Pennsylvania State University and .

He illustrates the results on the discrete aspects of quantum geometry and two applications of these results to black hole physics. In a previous work we derived an effective Hamiltonian constraint for the Schwarzschild geometry starting from the full loop quantum gravity Hamiltonian constraint and computing its expectation value on coherent states sharply peaked around a spherically symmetric geometry. In Einstein's standard theory of gravity, black holes form when stars die, and their matter is crunched down into the black hole's infinitely small and dense core. The approach provides a candidate theory of quantum gravity, a physical picture of Planck-scale quantum geometry, calculation techniques, definite quantitative predictions, and a tool for discussing classical problems . . The loop approach to quantum gravity is more than twenty years old.

It's main postulate is the granularity of space on the quantum scale. It is part of the equation for the lower bound on black hole entropy: ".

We define the analytic continuation of the number of black hole microstates in Loop Quantum Gravity to complex values of the Barbero-Immirzi parameter $\gamma$.

In physics, black hole thermodynamics is the area of study that seeks to reconcile the laws of thermodynamics with the existence of black-hole event horizons.As the study of the statistical mechanics of black-body radiation led to the development of the theory of quantum mechanics, the effort to understand the statistical mechanics of black holes has had a deep impact upon the understanding of . This is similar to previously considered scenarios based on a loop quantum gravity quantization. The conclusion is crazy, but the reasoning is surprisingly elegant. This is a review of results on black hole physics in the context of loop quantum gravity.

The study of quantum fields on the classical gravitational background of a black hole spacetime suggest that in a full theory of quantum gravity black holes could be shown to emit radiation and to eventually even decay in some way or other. A detailed study of the quantum geometry of a black hole event horizon has been made using loop quantum gravity. The singularity is eliminated and the space-time can be .

A previous preon model for the substructure of the standard model quarks and leptons is completed to provide a model of Planck scale gravity and black holes.

Torsion has been shown to produce an axial-vector field coupled to spinors, in the present case preons, causing an attractive preon-preon interaction. . Primary among them is the existence of black holes, whose remarkable properties tell us that a theory of quantum gravity must have a mathematical structure that is quite different from the quantum field theories that describe the rest of particle physics. We find that in the region where the black hole singularity appears in the classical theory, the quantum theory contains semi-classical states that approximate general relativity coupled to an effective anisotropic fluid. The key feature underlying these results is the discreteness of geometric quantities at the Planck scale predicted by this approach to quantum gravity.

In loop quantum gravity.

Quantum mechanical considerations and the lowest, non-zero eigenvalue of the loop quantum gravity black hole mass spectrum indicate, on the one hand, a physical Planck scale cutoff of the Hawking temperature law and, on the other hand, give upper and lower bounds on the numerical value of the Immirzi parameter. It addresses both the aspects associated with the Hawking evaporation and the ones due to the possible existence of a bounce. 12) Conclusions Loop Quantum Gravity and Black Hole Physics arXiv:gr-qc/9608032v1 14 Aug 1996 Carlo Rovelli∗ Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pa 15260, USA February 3, 2008 Abstract I summarize the basic ideas and formalism of loop quantum gravity. This is a review of the results on black hole physics in the framework of loop quantum gravity. An artist's depiction of loop quantum gravity effects in a black hole. .

On 1/2/2021 at 9:21 AM, Kemsley29 said: If the black holes in LQG are what the quantum theory suggests how do we account for the entropy of the particles on there way into the back hole how can so many mistakes in the form of entropy lead to a fully functioning portal to another universe how does this work under the laws of current particle.

Authors: Shupeng Song, Haida Li, Yongge Ma, Cong Zhang.

Black holes are there, but quantum gravity is not. The theory is developed and made rigorous by Ashtekar, Baez, Corichi and Krasnov [ 22 ]. The derivation of the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for the entropy of a black hole from loop quantum gravity is obtained , on the basis of the ideas of Kirill Krasnov [170, 171] and Lee Smolin . Entropy of General Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity. We continue our investigation of an improved quantization scheme for spherically symmetric loop quantum gravity. Loop quantum gravity and black hole singularity Leonardo Modesto Department of Physics, Bologna University V. Irnerio 46, I-40126 Bologna & INFN Bologna, EU Abstract In this paper we summarize loop quantum gravity (LQG) and we show how ideas developed in LQG can solve the black hole singularity problem when applied to a minisuperspace model . We now use this effective Hamiltonian to study the interior region of a Schwarzschild black hole, where a homogeneous .

Loop quantum gravity—a theory that extends general relativity by quantizing spacetime—predicts that black holes evolve into white holes.

. Using loop quantum gravity, Ashtekar, Olmedo, and Singh predict that black holes evolve into white holes. In fact, it has been claimed that loop quantum gravity already predicts the existence of such black holes [23-28], with their radius having precisely the form (1.7) associated with the quadratic GUP [19].

In this paper expanding a previous study of the black hole dynamics we repeat the Hawking analysis which leads to a thermal flux of particles at the .

I illustrate the results on the discrete aspects of quantum geometry and two applications of these results to black hole physics. Carlo Rovelli, one of the founders of loop quantum gravity. The author summarizes the basic ideas and formalism of loop quantum gravity. Footnote 1 Today, it forms a wide research area around a well-defined tentative theory of quantum spacetime.

Information-loss problem I Black holes have afinitelifetime: BH ˇ8895 M 0 m P 3 t P ˇ1:159 10 67 M 0 M 3 yr from the emission of gravitons and photons (D. Page 1976) I The semiclassical approximation breaks down if the black hole approaches the Planck mass m P. I If the black hole left only thermal radiation behind, a pure state for a closed system would evolve into a mixed system Gravity theory with torsion is introduced in the model. A certain consensus seems to have formed according to which the singularity in a classical black hole is replaced by a non-singular phase in which the density and curvature are not infinite but large, Academic Editor: K. S. Viswanathan. <P /> In loop quantum gravity (LQG) models were presented, which resolve the classical singularity in the centre of the black hole by means of a black-to-white hole transition, but neglect the collapse .

by Bob Yirka , This artist's concept shows a galaxy with a supermassive black hole at its core. The quantum black hole degrees of freedom are shown to be described by a Chern-Simons field theory on the horizon. It is an attempt to develop a quantum theory of gravity based directly on Einstein's geometric formulation rather than the treatment of gravity as a force.

In Rovelli's analysis, in terms of loop quantum gravity, this matter still gets compressed, but only to an extent. The results show that the black hole entropy given by loop quantum gravity is in full accord with the Bekenstein-Hawking .

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