Committed, dedicated or hard working. Feedback from colleagues or students can show us what we can't see for ourselves. I sometimes lack confidence. About my weaknesses, I have spoken to my supervisor to help me understand my shortcomings. I know I have enthusiasm for the work, and I will bring my strong work ethic and commitment every day." The questionnaire I have chosen and studied is the Felder-Solomon questionnaire. 3. This is the only way to combat procrastination and, for . I also understand and respect that English is an important part of everyday life. My weakness is I can't say no to the people who need help in their work, this may complete the task but affect the person in future. A nurse should be able to work for more than 12 hours whenever there is a rush at the hospital to help the doctors save lives. Students enjoy the flexibility with which they can do the work assigned. There is a uniform reach of content to the student and international students are appreciative of online assignments. By outlining a weakness, you have the opportunity to discuss how you adapt, learn, and grow, which will all be important factors as a PA student and as a PA. Weaknesses : I am very emotional and i don't like to interact with others until and unless it is necessary. According to the Felder-Solomon questionnaire, the results I have gotten comes under the category of active and reflective . Shifting from one project to another (multitasking) Taking credit for group projects. This is the one people really dread - it seems so counterintuitive to admit weakness when you're trying to impress. We have to first identify the weakness, then figure out why it's happening. State your weakness briefly and then turn it on a positive note. My prejudice is my biggest weakness. In reality, it is pretty rare for a hiring manager to ask you them together as one question, but you still need to be prepared in case this question comes up. A student should not fear to bear the hardships. But sometimes, you just need to get things done. Student weaknesses are what prevent students from being their best. I am working on improving my strengths and improving my weaknesses. Although my weaknesses lie in the reading and writing aspect of education and in the communication with others, my strengths have more influence on whom I am and how I present myself. It's okay to be honest when answering that question, as long as you explain what you're doing to overcome your weakness. You could say that you are shy and nervous by nature, having difficulty sharing or opening up in groups at first. In a broader context, we are all students here to learn life's lessons in this vast and wonderful classroom called mother earth. Let's face it, school can be challenging at any age. Confidence has always been a key weaknesses and struggle of mine which impacts my daily life. Knowing and working with your strengths will help you to be successful and stay motivated. Enthusiastic, driven or passionate. Yes, it can be hard to identify your own strengths and weaknesses, but if you focus on a few key points and provide relevant examples, you'll do just fine. Paragraph 3: Explain how you will use your 3 strengths in your next speech. 2. All in all, after extensive soul-searching, I realize that my self-doubt is my greatest weakness of them all, because it is a brick wall I keep hitting in all aspects of my life, be them personal or professional. I've been raised in a strongly religious family , and often find it hard to accept other views on life and death. Providing constructive criticism. I find properly organized work pleasing and appealing to the eye, even before one reads the content. Everybody has a weak spot, something that makes them feel small and act in a certain way! The way that you do so includes three parts: -Honesty: Be honest in the way you respond. Weaknesses: • Understanding relative values of whole numbers and fractions, such as knowing that 36,700 is less than 37,600, and determining what's larger: 2/3 or 3/5. When a student does poorly in a subject, they tend to focus on the negative. Interview questions will cover both, your nursing strengths and weaknesses. Similarly, they can work on their weaknesses. Being a student has helped me understand why having strengths and weaknesses is normal. Interviewers are trying to assess how good you are at evaluating yourself and identifying professional areas that need improvement. My willingness to accommodate their lives was a big strength, and my students loved me for it, but this approach failed miserably when I suddenly had to train hundreds of new volunteers at my clinical internship.

"What's your greatest weakness?" is the question that no one ever quite knows how to answer. Sample Answer 1. However, if I let my most visible weakness get the best of me I 'm prone to failure. You should take your weakness and then turn it around into a strength, basically make it look like you learn from or grow from it," an example with me -->, My weakness is that I tend to overthink a lot and that causes the task at hand or situation I am in to be more complicated than it seems, but because of that I ask for advice from my friends and family and use that as constructive criticism . My biggest weakness is a combination of being overly enthusiastic and not having enough experience. Procrastination, or choosing not to do the work.

Academic weaknesses may be identified as part of an admissions process or analysis of a students learning goals and progress. This student is best at…. This makes it impossible to contribute in classes and to take part in class activities because it is always a constant fear and battle. My greatest strength as a student is my perseverance. From my weaknesses, I would mention computer skills. You do not need a long list of weaknesses. My husband's answer is that he can be impatient so he has to remind himself to slow down before jumping into a task.

Taking on too much responsibility. My strengths are that I have a passion for reading, I have a good understanding of grammar and its correct usage and I am a decent speller. Here are the academic strengths and weaknesses of the students: Curiosity. 2.Communication- I put my input in a little more than I should 3.Procrastinate- I would rather do something fun outside than be stuck inside dong something boring 4.Concentration-I can't concentrate on one thing for a . Words: 1045. Paragraph 2: Write 3 of your weaknesses as a persuasive speaker. Briefly touch on an example . 2. For example, a challenge I have faced several times as a student is working with uncooperative peers. Paragraph 4: Explain what you will do to overcome your weaknesses in your next speech. Because the thing that matters is not the weakness, but what you've done to address it. The student will try to learn more than what is being told in the course books and avoid cramming the concepts. How you use your weakness to drive you into action will actually showcase your strengths too," says Frana. He advised that my writing skills and paperwork filing were lacking and I have consciously started working on this feedback." Possible Answer#6. That doesn't mean it happens all the time and it doesn't mean I'm not going to change it. This student has an amazing ability to…. An overabundance of students.

Providing too much detail in reports. Lack of self-confidence makes one suspicious of others, it hurts relationships, it hurts people, it hinders one's development, and . My greatest weakness is that I sometimes focus too much on the details of a project and spend too much time analyzing the finer points. Northwestern tells grad students, "Turn a negative into a . But that makes us who we are! Disclaimer: DO NOT turn your weakness into a strength. Similarly, listing a soft skill you lack should be supported with a plan to learn or improve this skill. While online programs have significant strengths and offer unprecedented accessibility to quality education, there are weaknesses inherent in the use of this medium that can pose potential threats to the success of any online program. In the past, every time I read about a different classroom activity I wanted to try it out, and at the end of the day I ended up with so many ideas that it became difficult to come up with an organised lesson plan. To me, life is a learning experience, so identifying and knowing our strengths and weaknesses can help us learn, improve and grow. I now realize that I possess various strengths in my writing, and they include proper work organization, eloquence and creativity among others. Lack of proper training for faculty. My strengths are my positive attitude towards my career, I'll never stop until I finish the task on deadline. These were my weaknesses in high school but I will not be letting them follow into my college career. They are usually looking to see three qualities in your answers: self-awareness, honesty, and self-improvement. My Weaknesses 1.Patience-I want whatever is going to happen to happen on time and I don't like waiting and I get bored easy. What's also important in answering is that you show self-improvement.

My strengths include the love of taking care of kids and organization, two very important personality traits that go hand in hand. The answer "perfectionism" won't cut it when talking about your biggest weakness is simply because it's not a real weakness. Take this " What is your greatest weakness quiz" now, and you will get this answer to this question. Download. There is no way to be a good student if you do not know your weaknesses as well as your strengths. We're alone with our students most of the day, and coming up with fresh ways to present a topic or engage kids can be hard. As a fourth year student in university, I have learned a lot about myself and what I want in life. It can kick-off faculty shortage because a single teacher can enroll any number of students into the course. Answer (1 of 5): I don't know who screens these questions but at 74 years old and retired I hardly qualify as a student. I'm up-to-speed with the latest programming trends and have a fresh perspective. It can be a more important interview question than one asking you about your strengths. When choosing a weakness to discuss, avoid including one that is damaging. The formula for your answer is easy to follow. The best way to handle this question is to name non-essential skills […] Rather than getting each project done ASAP, I want to dot every i and cross every t. Sometimes, this is a good thing—my essays are always polished and near-perfect before I submit them. When highlighting the four elements of your SWOT analysis for students; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in your presentation, use different colors for each element. Strength is something that you are good at or highly competent at. Your answer needs to reflect your clear analytical understanding of your own weak spots yet it needs to not absolve you of your strengths. 4. List of Weaknesses. 2. Some of these insights have come in the form of self-realization; that is, as a mortal, imperfect human being as others, I have found several strengths and weaknesses concerning my life that were not revealed until European School of Economics opened it's doors almost four years ago. 2. When the interviewer asks for greatest weakness examples, they are looking to see how you answer, not so much what you answer. Trouble attending to studying for even a minute, or choos. This is an acceptable answer since engineers do not necessarily need to be outgoing at work. Weaknesses of Online Learning. Staff unable to meet with parents. Also, I have excellent logical & imagination skill. These are my strengths and weaknesses in my past, some I am more proud to admit. Not enough co-curricular and sports activities. This kind of self-starter attitude is a plus for virtually any team. My Strengths in Writing. When I made adjustments or exceptions for people's schedules, they were . First, state your weakness. In this article, we discuss the reasons hiring managers may ask about weaknesses in a nursing interview and offer advice on how to discuss your weaknesses and your strengths. Your weaknesses can include a hard skill set out in the job description, provided that you emphasize your desire to acquire this skill through a course or program. 1.Make a routine to work on your weakness: Please find out your weakness and make out time to work on it. Be honest and choose a real weakness.

Since starting university in September I've struggled a lot with confidence as anxiety places a huge part in my life.

The interviewer doesn't really want to know about your weakness and isn't . Try to be strict with yourself. This is probably the most awkward and dreaded part of a job interview. This student is frequently recognized for…. Examples of a Weakness That Can Be Turned Into a Positive During an Interview for a Teacher. My Greatest Strength and Weakness Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses. Read the responses and compare them with the students' actual speech delivery. Academic weaknesses are disadvantages an individual faces in a learning environment. Situation - My greatest weakness is that I talk too much. • Comparing and . Nearly every job interview asks a job-seeker to describe his strengths and weaknesses. Experiencing a lack of confidence can sometimes cause inefficiencies in your work. Some students may even think that they don't have any strengths. If your weakness is intolerance, learn now to tolerate people, learn how to take things easy, focus more on the good side of things than the insecurities. As a nurse you need to be able to understand your strengths so that you can best help your patients and other medical staff on your team.

Taking on too many projects at once. Being honest about a weakness and showing the work you have done to improve can be powerful. Everyone has weaknesses, but no one wants to admit them honestly in a job interview. This poll of engineering strengths and weaknesses will only be open a short time. Having said that, I realize that I will belong to a diverse group of students here, and later, in my nursing practice, I will care for patients from all sorts of cultural and religious background. the sad thing is that Y0ss is serious when he ask "what r ur weaknesses" sorry my friend, but i don't think ur competitors are willing to tell u their response.. but the best thing to do is find a "interview weakness" that u truly have , but MOST IMPORTANTLY, back it up with an example (that is key) to show ur not bull****ting. Poll results shown below for the top 3 strengths and weaknesses of engineers. But if you're prepared it's actually not too difficult to answer and isn't too nasty of an interview question. Task - The principal gave me a warning. It is this point where you can place your creative thinking at play and be smart about it. Remember, revealing an actual weakness is a good thing. Give yourself a limited amount of time to work or read, and then take some time off to do the other things that you want to do. These can relate to skills, abilities, experience, knowledge and character traits. Others are more direct at giving the advice that everyone seems familiar with — to make weaknesses into strengths (and vice versa). Read the responses and compare them with the students' actual speech delivery. Not including my work schedule and having to raise my older sister. Paragraph 2: Write 3 of your weaknesses as a persuasive speaker. 1.2 Sample of the answer given by an academic counselor "My analytical ability has developed as my core strength. Why having an up-close-and-personal experience with failure is a truly good thing Figuring out your best limitation or failure narrative Formulating that narrative effectively, and delivering it authentically An example of a limitation narrative about poor time management An example of limitation narrative about public speaking An example of limitation narrative about overcoming learning . "I would like to improve my PowerPoint presentation skills.") 6. felt weak after the surgery feeble suggests extreme weakness inviting pity or contempt. Strength And Weakness Essays: Everyone has their own qualities and shortcomings. My strengths include the love of taking care of kids and organization, two very important personality traits that go hand in hand. That context will give potential employers insight into your level of self-awareness and commitment to professional growth. It is important to begin identifying your strengths, be able to talk about them with others and think about how you might use them in a career. I used to get in trouble for talking over my teachers during class. Versatile or flexible. Forming a thoughtful response to questions about your strengths and weaknesses is an important part of completing a nursing interview successfully. Paragraph 3: Explain how you will use your 3 strengths in your next speech. In this essay, I will write self-reflection piece in which I will discuss my strengths and weaknesses as a learner. The trick is to cite your pre-selected weakness (and it goes without saying that this weakness needs to be job-related) and then immediately follow up with how you are working to overcome it. I can adapt to new things and new environments easily. For example: "I would say my greatest weakness is my tendency to get caught up in the small details. It doesn't matter if they are positive or negative abilities. What's Your Greatest Weakness? During my time as a student I have noticed that when I make good use of my time and focus on the task at hand I am a great student. The SWOT's full form is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. As such a student my greatest strength is a con. In a . Strengths : My strongest strength is my management skill - this skill helps me everywhere whether I am at home, office, or with my relatives. If you need some help to determine positive attributes and talents in students finish some of these statements (with the student and parents help): 1. Stating that you're often late or have trouble working with other people would be highlighting damaging weaknesses. Willing to take on responsibilities outside of remit. Determined to succeed. 792 Words4 Pages. Enhanced reports of cyberbullying. Answer (1 of 10): As of with work ethic So far this is the case, and it's usually the case so far. 11 Weaknesses List. Knowing our positive abilities can help us in accomplishing our goals,… Trustworthy and honest. Having an inquisitive nature is a strength for a student. SWOT analysis is a common term that students might have come across many times.

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